The Board has established five committees that have different areas of responsibility and bring specific investment and operational expertise to the decision-making process. The committees review and analyze proposed investments and issues under their jurisdiction and make recommendations to the Board for consideration and approval by Board vote. Committee members are appointed by the Chair and approved by the Board.

Investment Committee

The Board has established an Investment Committee to advise the Board with respect to the asset allocation policy of PRIM and related investment policies, and to assist the Board in overseeing the investment program. The mandate of the Investment Committee does not include real estate and timber.

Deborah B. Goldberg, Chair, Treasurer and Receiver General of Massachusetts, PRIM Board Chair (Ex Officio)

Joseph C. Bonfiglio, Massachusetts & Northern New England Laborers' District Council

C. LaRoy Brantley, Investment Consultant

Catherine D’Amato, President and CEO, Greater Boston Food Bank

Michael Even, Former President and CEO, Numeric Investors

Constance M. Everson, CFA, Managing Director, Capital Markets Outlook Group

Ruth Ellen Fitch, Esq., Board Member, Former President and CEO at The Dimock Center

James B. G. Hearty, Former Partner, Clough Capital

Peter Monaco, Board Member, Managing Director, Raptor Group

Phillip H. Perelmuter, Former Managing Partner, Wellington Management

Philip Rotner, Chief Investment Officer, Boston Children’s Hospital

Glenn P. Strehle, CFA, Treasurer Emeritus, MIT

Timothy L. Vaill, Former Chairman and CEO of Boston Private Holdings

Real Estate and Timberland Committee

The Board has established a Real Estate and Timberland Committee to advise the Board in setting investment policy within the real estate and timber portfolios and assist the Board in overseeing these portfolios.

Jill S. Hatton, CRE, Chair, Real Estate Investment Professional

Deborah B. Goldberg, Treasurer and Receiver General of Massachusetts, PRIM Board Chair (Ex Officio)

Lydia Chesnick, Esq., Partner, Bernkopf Goodman LLP

Robert Gifford, RGA Corp.

Jack Lutz, PhD., Forest Research Group

William F. (Bill) McCall, Jr., CRE, McCall & Almy, Inc.

Garlan Morse, Jr., CRE, Morris and Morse Company, Inc.

Peter F. O'Connell, Marina Bay Company

Carly Rose, Board Member, Public Safety Union Member

Administration and Audit Committee

The Board has established an Administration and Audit Committee to assist the Board in overseeing all issues related to the governance, administration, and audit functions of PRIM, and to provide recommendations for the Board's consideration.

Robert L. Brousseau, Chair, Board Member, Retired Teacher, Town of Wareham School System

Deborah B. Goldberg,Treasurer and Receiver General of Massachusetts, PRIM Board Chair (Ex Officio)

Patrick E. Brock, Chairman of the Hampshire County Retirement Board

Catherine D’Amato, President and CEO, Greater Boston Food Bank

James B. G. Hearty, Former Partner, Clough Capital

Theresa T. McGoldrick, Esq., Board Member, National Executive Vice President, National Association of Government Employees (NAGE)

Dennis J. Naughton, Board Member, Retired Educator, Millis Public Schools

Stewardship and Sustainability Committee

The Board has established a Stewardship and Sustainability Committee to assist the Board in overseeing all issues related to the development and ongoing implementation of an ESG framework and related engagement activities, and to provide recommendations for the Board’s approval.

Deborah B. Goldberg, Chair, Treasurer and Receiver General of Massachusetts, PRIM Board Chair (Ex Officio)

Mary Cerulli, Founder, Climate Finance Action

Michael Even, Former President and CEO, Numeric Investors

Ruth Ellen Fitch, Esq., Board Member, Former President and CEO at The Dimock Center

Theresa T. McGoldrick, Esq., Board Member, National Executive Vice President, National Association of Government Employees (NAGE)

Dennis J. Naughton, Board Member, Retired Educator, Millis Public Schools

Poonam Patidar, Member, Mintz

Marcela Pinilla, Director of Sustainable Investing, Zevin

Compensation Committee

The Board has established a Compensation Committee to assist the Board in overseeing staff compensation and benefit policies. The Administration and Audit Committee is responsible for assisting the Board on other human resource matters.

Deborah B. Goldberg, Chair, Treasurer and Receiver General of Massachusetts, PRIM Board Chair (Ex Officio)

Patrick E. Brock, Chairman of the Hampshire County Retirement Board

Robert L. Brousseau, Board Member, Retired Teacher, Town of Wareham School System

Catherine D’Amato, President and CEO, Greater Boston Food Bank

Marian A. Tse, Retired Partner, Goodwin Procter